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Skip Navigation LinksCommercial Vehicles and Public Transport Licensing Division

The Motor Transport Licening Authority (MTLA) was dissolved effective from 1st July 2018. Starting on that date, role and function has now under the Commercial Vehicles and Public Transport Licensing Division of the Land Transport Department.


  • Issue of Public Transport Vehicle Licence and Franchise, Processing Applications and expand transport industry with more effective and efficient.
  • Ensure the issuance of Public Transport Vehicle Licence and Franchise are compliance with stated regulations, road worthiness and safety of vehicles and trailer.
  • Strengthen public transport system and commercial in order to reduce pollution to the environment and road traffic congestion as well as increase road users convenience.
  • Ensure coherence of public transport service system and commercial.


  1. Issuance of Public Service Vehicle (Goods and Passengers) and Franchise Licenses
  2. Renewal of Public Service Vehicle (Goods and Passengers) and Franchise Licenses

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. To consider applications for Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licence including but not limited to S.
  2. To interview applicants for Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licence as stated in para (1).
  3. To conduct site visit to the premises of a Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licensee as and when deemed necessary.
  4. To assist the Chairman in any decision-making related to the policies of the Motor Transport Licensing Authority.
  5. To provide assistance, guidance or advice to Public Transportation Services operators.
  6. To be actively involved during dialogue sessions with Public Transportation Services operators.


Terms of Reference

  •  To implement the roles and responsibilities as stipulated in Part VII PUBLIC SERVICE VEHICLES AND FRANCHISES of Chapter 68 Road Traffic Act;
  • To prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for a streamlined application process in order to simplify the consideration process for the award of Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licences;
  • To process Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licence applications in a timely manner in accordance with the Client Service Charter;
  • To interview and consider qualified applicants for the award of Public Service Vehicle and Franchise licence;
  • To inform or answer in writing to all applicants the position or decision of the Authority;
  • To ensure that an applicant has suitable premises to park the vehicles prior to approval;
  • To closely monitor the effectiveness of Public Transportation Services that have been issued a Public Service Vehicle license;
  • To hold discussions and consultations when problems or issues arise regarding the performance or the quality of service provided and to take appropriate action in accordance with the provisions of the Act;
  • To hold dialogue sessions with Public Transport Services operators;
  • To protect the importance as well as the rights of the Public Service Vehicle and Franchise enterprise and to assist by providing guidance to operators that are involved in the Public Transportation Services industry; 

Classes of Public Service Vehicle and Franchise Licence

1.  Persendirian – P

2.  Sewa dan Upah – S

3.  Bas Awam – BA

4.  Bas Pekerja – BK

5.  Bas Pelancong – BM

6.  Bas Sekolah Persendirian – BP

7.  Bas Sekolah – BB

8.  Bas Sekolah Sementara – BSS

9.  Bas Sewa Khas – BS

10. Bas Ekpres Bus – BE

11. Taxi – T

12. Kereta Sewa Sementara – KSS

13. Kereta Sewa Berpemandu – R

14. Kereta Sewa Pandu Sendiri/Syarikat Minyak Shell – KSPS/SMS

16. Bas Francais – BF

17. Bas Lintas Batas – BC

18. Teksi Francais - TF


Vehicle Permit (Cross Border movement)

Commercial vehicles coming in from neighbouring countries are inspected at the Control Posts for valid documentation (eg. valid cross border permit) and conformance to Brunei Darussalam's rules and regulations.


Commercial vehicle going in and out of Brunei Darussalam must apply for cross border permit from The Land Transport DepartmentFor more details you can visit at the following address:

Commercial Vehicles and Public Transport Licensing Division 

2nd Floor, Land Transport Department Headquarters Building

Beribi, Jalan Gadong

Bandar Seri Begawan BE1110

Negara Brunei Darussalam