Driving without valid Driving Licence | Section 16 Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | | -1st offence:
B$2,000 fine -2nd and subsequent offence:B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Driving without a valid vehicle licence | Section 8 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | | -B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 3 months |
Driving without a valid insurance protection | Section 3 (1) Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third Party Risk) Chapter 90 | | -B$1,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. -The Court can also suspend the offender's licence immediately for not longer than 12 months starting from the date of the conviction. |
Failure to show driving licence to police officer within 5 days when committing an offence | Section 23 Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | | -B$1,000 fine and imprisonment for 1 month |
Speeding (driving over the speed limit) | Section 24(1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | | -1st offence:
B$600 - B$2,000 fine. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$600 - B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. -Details of the offence will be recorded in your driving licence. -The Court can suspend your driving licence for not less than 3 months beginning from date of conviction. |
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drug | Section 26 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | | - 1st offence:
B$10,000 fine and imprisonment for 2 years. - 2nd and subsequent offence:
B$20,000 fine and imprisonment for 4 year. -The court can suspend your driving licence for not less than 3 years beginning from date of conviction. |
Dangerous and negligent driving leading to death | | Section 27 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | -B$20,000 fine and imprisonment for 7 years (same punishment applies for second and subsequent offence) -The court can suspend your driving licence for life beginning from the date of conviction. |
Negligent or dangerous driving | | Section 28 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | -1st offence:
B$10,000 fine and imprisonment for 2 years. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$20,000 fine and imprisonment for 4 years. -The Court can suspend your driving licence for not longer than 3 years. |
Careless Driving | | Section 29 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | -1st offence :
B$600 - B$5,000 fine and imprisonment for 12 months. -2nd and subsequent offence: details of the offence will be recorded in your driving licence. -The Court can suspend your driving licence for not less than 18 months beginning from the date. |
Using handphone when driving | | Section 29A (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | -1st offence:
B$600-B$1000 fine or imprisonment for 6 months or both. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$600-B$2,000 fine or imprisonment for 12 months or both. |
Failure to give assistance to victim of an accident | | Section 31 Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$8,000 fine and imprisonment for 1 year. If the injury is cause by you (as the driver of a motor vehicle), then your driving licence will be suspended for not longer than 2 years. |
Giving false information in the case of an accident that has happened | | Section 32 Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$2,000 fine. |
Failing to stop when an accident happens and failing to report the accident to a police station within 24 hours | | Section 33 (1) (2) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -1st offence:
B$2,000 fine. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Causing hurt or death to others when providing help, and if you are the driver of the motor vehicle that caused the accident which led to serious injury or death. | | Section 33 (6) (7) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -1st offence:
B$3,000 fine or imprisonment for 12 months. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$5,000 fine or imprisonment for 2 years. |
Failure to give necessary information within 7 days if suspected of being guilty and giving false information | | Section 34 (1) (2) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months |
Taking a motor vehicle or trailer on the road without legal authorisation or reasonable cause | | Section 35 Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$1,000 fine |
Interfering with or taking a motor vehicle without consent | | Section 36 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$8,000 fine and imprisonment for 18 months. |
Driving a vehicle without permission of the vehicle's owner | | Section 36 (2) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$10,000 fine and imprisonment for 3 years. |
Leaving a vehicle without supervision and not turning engine off | | Section 37 (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -1st offence:
B$2,000 fine. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$4,000 and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Not turning engine off when refuelling vehicle | | Section 37(2) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -1st offence:
B$2,000 fine -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$4,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Testing speed of vehicle or involved in a race without written permission from police commissioner | | Section 37 A Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -1st offence:
B$1,000 – B$2,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$2,000 – B$3,000 fine and imprisonment for 12 months |
Disobeying instruction on road / traffic signboard | | Section 39(1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 Amendment) | -B$600 - B$3,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Disobeying orders of road / traffic police officer on duty | | Section 39 (1) (b) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$600 - B$3,000 fine and imprisonment for 6 months. |
Driving during a period where your driving licence has been suspended | | Section 45(a)(b)(c) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$6,000 fine and imprisonment for 1 year. |
Carrying more passengers than is allowed (for public service vehicles) | | Section 72 (3)Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$2, 000 fine and imprisonment for1 months. |
Not carrying certificate of fitness (for public service vehicles / heavy vehicles) | | Section 76(1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 | -B$4, 000 fine and imprisonment for 3 months. |
Failing to stop at pedestrian crossing | | Section 81A (1) Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 (2002 amendment) | -1st offence: fines not exceeding
B$1,000 or imprisonment for 3 months. -2nd and subsequent offence: fines not exceeding
B$2,000 or imprisonment for 6 months or both. |
Not putting on seat belt | | Regulation 8(1) Motor Vehicle Regulations (Seat Belt),1988 | -fines not exceeding
B$2,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both. |
Not putting on seat belts for children | | Road Traffic Regulations (Seat Belts for Children), 2004 | -fines not exceeding
B$2,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both. |
Failing to stop at school crossings | | Road Traffic Act Chapter 68 – Road Traffic Regulations (School Crossing Guard) 2006 | -1st offence: fines not exceeding
B$1, 000. -2nd and subsequent offence: fines not exceeding
B$2,000. |
Carrying a load / items in an unsafe manner and pose danger to other road users ( for example, carrying items that can easily fall off) | | Regulation 27 Road Traffic Regulations 1955 | -1st offence:
B$200 fine -2nd offence and subsequent offence:
B$500 |
Not installing red flag (measuring 12 square inches) when carrying extended item (s) | | Regulation 29 (2) Road Traffic Regulations 1955 | -1st offence:
B$200 fine -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$500 fine |
Measurements of registration plate number of vehicle not following standard regulations | | Regulation 51 Road Traffic Regulation 1955 Road Traffic (Identification Marks) 2008 | -1st offence:
$B1,000 fine -2nd and subsequent offence:
B$2,000 fine and imprisonment for 3 months |
Not installing vehicle licence on vehicle | | Regulation 77 Road Traffic Regulations 1995 | -B$100 fine and imprisonment for 1 month |
Overtaking at bends or curved roads / bridge / hill / four-way junction (box junction) | | Regulation 148 Road Traffic Regulations 1995 | -B$100 fine |
Stopping, waiting and parking vehicle in position which can disturb or pose danger to other road users | | Regulation 149(2) Road Traffic Regulations 1995 | -B$100 fine |